Mission Statement and By-Laws of the Municipal Forum of New York, Inc.

Mission Statement

     The Municipal Forum of New York, Inc., a New York not-for-profit corporation, serves active members of the United States municipal securities industry through association activities including lunches and dinners featuring and recognizing prominent public sector and industry leaders of the public finance community. Through its affiliate, Municipal Youth Education Fund, a 501(c)(3) New York not-for-profit corporation, the Forum provides educational summer intern programs, financial assistance to summer interns entering college, and an alumni network for summer interns launching their careers. Through its association activities, the Forum provides a platform for municipal securities industry participants to meet frequently, share ideas and learn industry trends in congenial settings away from the business of doing deals. Through its intern programs, the Forum fosters training and a first look at the business world for outstanding New York City high school scholars thinking of pursuing careers in public finance and Wall Street in general. The Forum has been home to thousands of municipal securities industry professionals who uphold the highest standards in financing America’s infrastructure and embrace passing on the best practices and traditions in public finance to succeeding generations of bankers, underwriters, traders,, analysts, insurers, public sector finance officers and bond lawyers.

By-Laws of the Municipal Forum of New York, Inc.

View By-Laws - Adopted: May 28th, 2020